For alumni and friends
of the university

Note from the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement: Alumni Journeys

Justin Brown ’09 / Courtesy Photo

Study away at any age

By Justin Brown ’09, Associate Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement

Do you recall spring break of your junior year at Furman? You and your friends had planned an exciting trip to Myrtle Beach, or maybe a week of fun in Cancun. No matter the destination, do you remember the memories you created with friends during one of the most exciting times of your life? Well, why not create new memories with fellow alumni by joining us on an Alumni Journeys trip?

The Alumni Journeys program offers you the opportunity to embark on an adventure unlike any other, with exclusive travel experiences tailored specifically for Furman University alumni, friends and family. Our trips present the perfect opportunity for former classmates to reconnect, reminisce and explore some of the most breathtaking destinations across the globe. Imagine traversing the vast savannahs of Botswana on a thrilling safari, wandering through the ancient streets of Jerusalem in Israel, or immersing yourself in the vibrant colors and culture of Morocco. These are just a few of the extraordinary destinations that have been a part of our Alumni Journeys program.

What sets our travel program apart is not only the incredible destinations, but also the unique opportunity to be led by esteemed Furman University professors who serve as knowledgeable tour guides. These professors bring their expertise and passion for exploration, offering participants a deeper understanding and appreciation for each destination’s history, culture and significance.

Tim Wardle, chair of the religion department and New Testament professor, shares from his experience leading a trip: “Our days were full of learning and experiencing new things, and our evenings were full of telling hilarious and meaningful stories from time spent at Furman and pondering over what we had experienced that day.”

But it’s not just about the destinations and expert guidance; it’s about the camaraderie and shared experiences that make these journeys unforgettable. Those who have participated in our travel program rave about the bonds formed and the memories made along the way.

Jason Hansen, associate history professor, says “It’s also been fun to meet other people with such passion for the university and its community. I’ll never forget moments like holding the Furman flag in Ho Chi Minh Square in Vietnam or making cool videos with alumni in the Moroccan desert. I see many of them at Furman functions, and we’ve managed to stay in touch across the years.”

With each journey, our alumni travel program continues to inspire and delight participants, offering a unique blend of adventure, education and fellowship. So why not join us on one of our next Alumni Journeys trips and create lasting memories with fellow Furman alumni, friends and family?

For upcoming travel opportunities, follow Furman University Alumni on Facebook and Instagram.

Justin Brown ’09 is the associate director of Alumni & Parent Engagement.