IES Abroad Paris: French Studies

This French language immersion program offers a broad range of classes that explore French language/literature, history, politics, and culture through an in-depth and hands-on approach taught by accomplished faculty. Students will experience French society through a varied and dynamic academic program, homestays, cultural activities, internships, and conversation clubs. In addition, faculty members integrate local, course-related trips into all classes. In order to create a French language environment, everyone is required to observe a rigorous language pledge while at the IES Abroad Paris French Studies Center.

Students can also experience what life is like for French students by taking one or more courses at a local university (Atelier de la Villa Bastille, École Normale de Musique de Paris/Alfred Cortot, Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP), Paris Marais Dance School, Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)). They may add international work experience to their résumé participating in an internship and accompanying academic seminar. Internship placements include:

  • Communications
  • Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Start-ups


See full program details