IES Abroad Nantes: French Language Immersion & Area Studies

A beautiful city on the Loire River, Nantes offers wonderful food, outdoor spaces, and stunning modern and classic architecture. Nantes is the ideal place to improve your French—with few anglophones and a focus on full immersion, students will have the opportunity to fully integrate into French society and function completely in French. The French Language Immersion & Area Studies Program has two important goals: to improve written and verbal proficiency in French through language and area studies courses, and to introduce students to contemporary France and its role in the European Union.

This program has a close relationship with the Université de Nantes, so students will have many opportunities to enroll in local university courses. IES Abroad courses focusing on French language, history, and culture, and other topics, are taught in French by native French faculty, many of whom are professors at the Université de Nantes. Students may also enroll in an art course at the École des Beaux-Arts Nantes Saint-Nazaire, or take Business and Communications courses in English at the AACSB- and EQUIS-accredited Audencia Business School. Students may also participate in a part-time teaching internship with associated seminar to learn about the French education system and teach English to French students. You complete at least four hours of supervised teaching each week. Placements are available in:

  • écoles primaires (elementary schools)
  • collèges (junior high schools)
  • lycées (high schools)


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