IES Abroad Galapagos Islands: Direct Enrollment – GAIAS

This is an IES direct-enrollment program organized through the Galápagos Academic Institute for the Arts and Sciences (GAIAS), a remote campus of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) located on the island of San Cristóbal. GAIAS is a remote campus that was established to further efforts in conservation and sustainable development in the Galápagos Islands. As a world-class academic and research institution, GAIAS attracts both local and international students and scholars from around the world.The fast-paced program is a perfect fit for students interested in conducting field research or going on to graduate school within Environmental Studies/Biology.

Before you head to the Galápagos, the program will begin with a month in Quito. While there, you participate in an orientation, a 1-credit Spanish class, and the first course in your academic track. The program offers four tracks, consisting of five-course modules. The remaining months are spent on San Cristóbal in the Galápagos Islands. Additional course-related trips allow you to spend time in other locations, based on your course enrollment.

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