IES Abroad Shanghai: Economy, Business & Society

Nicknamed the “Magic City,” Shanghai is much more than just the economic and cultural hub of China. It is home to a population approximately three times the size of New York City. Students will learn and communicate in Mandarin and English, while studying the diversity and impact that other international cities, including Seoul or Tokyo, have had on Chinese culture as they witness how globalization affects Shanghai and develop a greater understanding of China’s growing impact on the international stage.

Students will take IES Abroad-taught courses in English in subjects such as International Business and Relations, Political Science, Cultural Studies, and more and will have the opportunity to study on the campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), a member of the C9 League (the Chinese equivalent of the Ivy League). They may also enroll in English-taught courses alongside Chinese students at Fudan University. Class sizes are smaller, with fewer than 10 students for IES Abroad courses, allowing for lots of discussion and many opportunities to get to know faculty and your classmates.

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