Don’t let this period of social distancing stop you from connecting with one another! We’ve pulled together a number of virtual activities and engagement opportunities for you. Check back often, as we’ll be updating this site frequently with new suggestions!

Is your organization sponsoring a virtual event or meet up? Or have you stumbled upon something fun online? We want to hear what you are doing! Please send suggestions and information to

Featured Activities for SENIORS!

Tribute to the Class of 2020

We've got hashtags and spotlights and presidential messages, oh my!

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Alumni Connections

Nothing like a good ol' fashioned informational interview with an alumnus/alumnae to build up your network.

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Coaching Sessions

Still interviewing for jobs or graduate schools? Let us help you sell your strengths.

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Stay Engaged with Furman

Stay Engaged with Furman

Learn what Furman organizations and departments are currently offering.

Arts, Music and Culture

Arts, Music and Culture

Take an art class, watch a free concert, or experience the world’s best museums – all from the comfort of your home!

Recreation and Wellness

Recreation and Wellness

Engage in self-care through an at-home workout, relaxation activities, and more!



Lions, tigers, and bears – OH MY!



Learn about opportunities to support the community, even from home.

More Fun Things!

More Fun Things!

Random fun that you won't want to miss!