Students Cultivating Change: Leading the Way in Campus Sustainability

Last updated May 21, 2024

By Web Admin

Molly McCutcheon and Stella Frisbie, Eco Reps

Stella Frisbie ’25 and Molly McCutcheon ’24 are all about positive change through peer to peer sustainability education!

We sat down with Stella and Molly to talk to them about their work on Furman’s campus as Shi Institute Eco Rep Fellows this spring. Here are a few thoughts they shared with us:

Q: Hi, Stella and Molly! I have to admit that I’ve heard about the Eco Reps, but don’t know much about them. What is an Eco Rep anyway?

Stella:  Eco Reps is an international organization dedicated to grassroots sustainability education on college campuses. Established at Furman in 2018, our chapter focuses on empowering students to educate their peers within campus housing. With 26 dedicated members and two passionate Eco Rep Fellows, we’re committed to fostering a culture of sustainability on campus.

Q:  Can you share an example of a successful sustainability initiative or project you’ve been involved in?

Molly:  As Eco Rep Fellows, we hold monthly meetings to educate other reps on various sustainability topics and plan special sustainability-related events. For example, we have tabled about overconsumption, helped with a low-waste basketball game and collaborated with the Furman Creative Collaborative on a barter booth event. We provide peer-to-peer education that is aimed at making sustainability fun and accessible.

Eco Reps Low Waste Basketball Game Spring 2024Stella:  Molly and I also lead the charge in educating and empowering our members to promote sustainability practices such as composting and recycling. From designing posters to volunteering at the Furman Farm, there’s something for everyone to get involved in.

Molly: Stella and I were interviewed for an article about the Eco Reps that was published on the Furman News page here. I wrote an article for The Paladin campus newspaper which discussed the problems with plastic recycling and called for on-campus action to reduce consumption. You can read that here.

Stella:  Our goal is to assist you in making sustainable choices that seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle, ensuring that you feel empowered and fulfilled in your journey towards eco-conscious living. We want to make your sustainability journey fun, accessible and inspiring.

Q:  I’d like to live more sustainably. Maybe I could start by recycling in my dorm. What should I do?

Stella: Reach out to your RA, who can connect you with the Eco Rep for your area. They can assist you with signing up for composting, getting a recycling bin and answering any questions you may have about sustainable living at Furman.

The Eco Reps will be planning more events for this fall. Follow us on Instagram (@furman_ecoreps) to stay updated on sustainability tips and upcoming activities!!