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The Ninth Annual Wilkins Awards Dinner

Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center

January 14, 2014

Held on the first night of the legislative session each year and attended by political, community, and business leaders, the Wilkins Awards Dinner promotes citizenship, public service, and bipartisan governing. Senator Paul G. Campbell and Stephen G. Morrison were honored as recipients of the 2013 David H. Wilkins Leadership Awards. The Wilkins Awards are named for former Speaker of the S.C. House of Representatives and Ambassador to Canada, David H. Wilkins, and honor the leadership, courage, vision, and integrity of one South Carolina legislator and one South Carolina civic leader. View this year’s program | Read Secretary Riley’s address

Senator Paul G. Campbell (District 44)

2013 Wilkins Award for Legislative Leadership

Senator Campbell serves on several Senate Committees and his bipartisan approach to governing has had a very positive effect on the work of the Senate. In his gracious acceptance speech, Senator Campbell joined Ambassador Wilkins and Secretary Riley in charging the legislators to “work together to get things done.”


Stephen G. Morrison

2013 Wilkins Award for Civic Leadership

Steve Morrison provided community service and support for the arts and humanities and was a champion for equity in education for all the children of our state. Gail Morrison and her son, Gregory, accepted the David Wilkins Award for Excellence in Civic Leadership on behalf of the late Steve Morrison.