Team Members: Cynthia Bennett, Karla Buru, Russell Cook, Brianna Douglas, Uschi Jeffcoat, Alyssa Richardson, Gregg Robinson

In South Carolina, it can be difficult for elected officials and developers to find accurate, thorough, and current information on the regulations and incentives that apply to new housing projects. This lack of knowledge makes it difficult to plan strategically and make informed choices on the construction of affordable homes. Because of the consequent uncertainty in local regulations and the variety of incentives available, new housing endeavors may be stymied, delayed, or even derailed, which adds to the ongoing shortage of affordable housing supply. It is imperative to address this issue since doing so will greatly improve South Carolina’s capacity to promote and encourage the building of much-needed affordable housing.

How does South Carolina streamline affordable housing information to be accessible for all stakeholders?

  • Upon entering office, what resources do local leaders have for addressing affordable housing – a crisis affecting many communities across the nation?

  • How do developers sift through a wide variety of information, incentives, and legislative frameworks, which differ from state to state and from city to city?

  • How can employers retain a vibrant workforce by supporting housing access across all socioeconomic bands?

Team Hometown Housing Innovators partnered with the Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC) to address this issue. They gathered pertinent information, including case studies from different municipalities in South Carolina and current funding opportunities. MASC will host this information on their website and is committed to maintaining current and accurate information. This partnership will make housing information readily available to a wide variety of constituents, including elected officials and developers seeking to increase the housing supply in their communities.