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COVID-19 Conversations: Jessica Taylor on the Clash of Federal and State Powers

Last updated June 20, 2020

The Riley Institute’s Center for Critical Issues “brings the world to Furman University” by hosting a diverse roster of speakers on campus each year. While our events are on hold due to COVID-19, The Riley Institute’s Advance Team students are (virtually) bringing notable past speakers into their own homes for thoughtful conversations about the coronavirus’s impact on many facets of life.

Varying COVID-19 response efforts have illuminated the complex relationship between federal and state powers.

Jessica Taylor, Senate and Governors Editor for The Cook Political Report, has been closely monitoring the actions of governors as they’ve emerged as prominent voices on the national political stage during the pandemic.

Taylor, a 2007 Furman graduate, sat down with members of the Riley Institute’s Advance Team in early May to discuss the trends she has observed as well as the issue of voting by mail in the 2020 presidential election.

The editor has spoken at several Riley Institute events. She gave a talk in 2015 on the role media plays in the perception of political candidates and served on a 2018 StraightTalk panel that explored the political impact of changing demographics in the United States.

View all COVID-19 Conversations episodes

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this recording are those of the individuals appearing in the video and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Riley Institute or Furman University.