Mengling Wang Headshot

Mengling Wang

Assistant Professor

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Mengling Wang is a literary historian with research interests in the intersection between Chinese Literature and Digital Humanities. Her research employs network analysis to offer fresh perspectives on pre-modern Chinese poetry anthologies, thereby reshaping our understanding of the historical literary landscape. She holds a Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Literatures from The Ohio State University, where she distinguished herself through her interdisciplinary approach to classical Chinese texts. Before joining the faculty at Furman University, she taught a wide array of Chinese language courses at The Ohio State University and Duke Kunshan University in China.

Honors & Awards

  • 2023-2024 The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (CCKF) Doctoral Fellowship (declined)
  • 2022 Arts and Humanities Graduate Research Grant, College of Arts and Science, OSU
  • 2022 Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service, OSU
  • 2020 Japanese Student Service Organization (JASSO) Full Scholarship for the exchange program at Tōhoku University, JP (declined)


  • Ph.D., The Ohio State University
  • M.A., The Ohio State University
  • B.A., Nanjing University

Research Interests

  • Chinese Literature and Culture, Poetry Anthologies, Print Culture, Material Culture, Network Analysis, Digital Humanities

Additional Professional Activity

Conference Presentation

  • Mar. 16-19, 2023. Co-organizer and presenter of the panel: Classical Chinese Literature and Digital Humanities (peer-reviewed). Wang, M. A Social Network Analysis: Exchange Poetry in Pre-Tang Anthologies. 2023 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Boston, USA.
  • Mar. 13, 2021. Wang, M. Continuity in and Interplay Between Manuscript and Print Cultures: The Reproduction and Redistribution of Pre-Tang Poetry Anthologies in 1600 to 1700 China (peer-reviewed). The 232nd Meeting of the American Oriental Society (AOS), Boston, USA (virtual).