The God? Forum Promotes Interreligious Dialogue

Last updated March 6, 2024

By Web Admin

The God? Forum, sponsored by the Catholic Student Ministry is a catalyst for a vibrant conversation and deep listening among students and community members with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Participants come together to discuss their beliefs and philosophies about the existence and presence of God. The broader purpose of the forum, which took place Oct. 18, is to foster a deeper level of religious harmony and tolerance within the Furman community. Panelists for the forum represented religious leaders from diverse faith traditions which included Christian (Protestant and Catholics), Islamic, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist. Panelists were dispersed among tables with audience members and were allotted time for specific questions. By the end of the event, audience members had a chance to hear from each panelist in small-group settings and share and discuss their beliefs with panelists and fellow students.

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