Did you know that you can attend Staff Advisory Council meetings, as well as our Human Resources, Employee Recognition, Outreach and Engagement and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee meetings, without being a Staff AC member? This open invitation provides a great opportunity for you to participate in discussions, provide feedback, and volunteer to help with Staff AC initiatives and events.

  • Our Council meets the third Tuesday of every month at 9 a.m. We hear updates from the three committees and discuss feedback that has been submitted to the Staff AC.
    Contact: Justin Childress, Chair
  • Our Human Resources committee meets the first Friday of every month at 11 a.m. This committee is responsible for becoming acquainted with human resources policies and procedures and other staff issues of importance, and providing feedback and recommendations. It acts as liaison with the Human Resources office.
    Contact: Miles Dame, Co-Chair
  • Our Employee Recognition committee meets the last Tuesday of every month at 9 a.m. Its purpose is to provide programs and events to boost the morale of the staff.
    Contact: Lisa Munoz, Co-Chair
  • Our Outreach and Engagement committee meets the second Thursday of every month at 11 a.m. This committee initiates and coordinates opportunities for staff to participate in community service and engagement, including collaborative efforts with campus partners, local schools and other organizations.
    Contact: Brent Bailey, Co-Chair