Introduced in the spring of 2023, the Paladin Pride Award is presented to a staff member who exudes a positive spirit on campus, fosters a sense of community and exemplifies Furman’s mission and values.

In an environment focused on educating young people, this award is designed to recognize staff members who, regardless of whether they come into direct contact with students, play an important role supporting their learning, growth, and development outside of the traditional classroom context.

The recipient:

  • displays a strong work ethic, positive teamwork and collegiality.
  • motivates others with positive feedback and recognition, taking the time to listen and make themselves available to others.
  • maintains a caring attitude through affirming and respectful relationships with the campus community.
  • is spirited, passionate, and proud to work at Furman.
  • embodies our campus values including social justice, diversity, helping and caring, and innovation.
  • demonstrates a commitment to campus and community service.
  • inspires others to higher achievement. 

They could be an unsung hero : a “behind-the-scenes” individual who consistently and effectively performs their duties in a manner that enhances the work environment for others. They go above and beyond their job responsibilities to support the mission of their department and the division, without seeking recognition or credit.

This award works in tandem with the existing Furman Salutes program. All Furman Salute recipients will be automatically nominated for the Paladin Pride Award, broadening its scope.

Nomination Requirements

  • Full- or part-time staff member who does not serve as university president or as a member of the senior administration, faculty or Staff Advisory Council Executive or Employee Recognition Committees
  • All Furman Salute recipients for the current fiscal year will be automatically nominated for the Paladin Pride award. 


  • An email with a link to the nomination form will be sent during the spring semester.
  • At the beginning of April, the number of nominations per nominee will be tallied (this number includes Furman Salutes).
  • The five nominees with the greatest number of nominations will be selected as finalists.
  • Staff AC will send a confidential ballot containing the five finalists to all staff members for an open vote, and the finalist who receives the greatest number of votes will be awarded.


Nominations are accepted early in the spring semester. They will be tallied at the beginning of April, and the finalist ballot will be sent out to all staff later that month. The winner will be recognized at the Spring Employee Recognition Event in May.

Paladin Pride Recipient Will Receive:

  • Recognition at the Spring Employee Recognition Event in May.
  • An engraved plaque, created from the wood from trees on Furman’s campus.

Past Winners and Finalists

Interested to know who won and who was a finalist? See the past winners and finalists.