
The roles of the Investment Subcommittee, Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Director of Investments, and Consultants are described in the university’s Investment Policy Statement. The Investment Subcommittee meetings also include a faculty and student representative for discussion and to help keep campus constituencies informed.

Under the Finance and Administration division, the VP (CFO), Controller, Assistant Controller, Special Funds Accountant, and Budget Director all work closely with the CIO on a day-to-day basis. Proper controls and oversight procedures are in place to ensure the University’s endowment assets are safeguarded.

The Advisor Networks are referred to as the Endowment Consulting Group (“ECG”) and the Private Capital Advisory Group (“PCAG”). These bodies act as additional resources for the management of the Furman University Endowment. The ECG consists of institutional investment experts with strategic insights. The PCAG consists of experts in private markets. Each member of the ECG and PCAG have strong ties to Furman University.

(The graph describes the Furman Endowment Structure)

Statement of Investment Policies & Objectives

Spending Policy