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Students recognized for scholarship in political science

Last updated December 8, 2014

By Furman News

2014 Student Award Winners (2)

The Political Science Department recently presented the following 2013-2014 student awards, from left: Katherine Martin and Katie Lowery, The Henry P. Jones Medal in Political Science; Alison Bressler, Shane Farmer and Maddison Hall, Political Science Faculty Award; and Brian Boda, Political Science Chair’s Award. Shown with them is Department Chair and Professor Danielle Vinson. Not shown is Charlotte Holt, recipient of The S. Sidney Ulmer Medal in Political Science.

Senior honors essay award winners were Michael Scholtens and Andrew Mueller. Two students also received university medals. Brian Boda received an American Legion Medal. Charlotte Holt was presented with the Chiles-Harrill Award, the Donaldson-Watkins Medal for General Excellence, the American Legion Medal and the Alumni Award for Academic Excellence.

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