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Research by Quinn, co-principals and undergrads included in case study series

John Quinn, professor of biology, with students in 2022.

Last updated June 28, 2024

By Tina Underwood

Furman University’s John Quinn, a biology professor and director of environmental studies, and co-principal investigators Brannon Andersen and Courtney Quinn in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Sustainability Sciences won a grant from USDA-funded Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) in 2016. The grant funded the study of silvopasture systems in South Carolina and neighboring states. Silvopasture is the deliberate intermingling of trees and grazing livestock on the same land. The practice is intended to strengthen a small farm’s fiscal viability while enhancing overall environmental quality.

The faculty members’ research with undergraduates was highlighted in a case study series by Insight for Action and SARE. In “Improving Silvopasture Systems in the South: Identifying Suitable Forage Crops and Enhancing Environmental Quality in Upland Forests,” SARE prepared four illustrated pages that recap the successes and challenges the team faced while working with small-production farmers in the region.

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