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Finland President Stubb ’93 addresses leaders at Ukraine peace summit

Alexander Stubb ’93 delivers 2017 commencement address.

Last updated June 18, 2024

By Tina Underwood

On X (aka Twitter), Republic of Finland President Alexander Stubb, a 1993 Furman University alumnus (political science), said the Summit on Peace in Ukraine held last week in Switzerland was a “step toward a just peace.” Before 60 heads of state, Stubb described why the summit was important, why Ukraine holds a position of strength on the path to peace, and the importance of a just and sustainable peace in the region. In his closing remarks, he said, “Peace is very rarely an end-state. It’s always a process.” And quoting his predecessor and mentor, President Martti Ahtisaari, he said, “What humans begin, humans can also end.” A transcript of Stubb’s speech may also be viewed on the president’s website.

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