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Brent Nelsen offers pre- and post-debate commentary for local news

Furman's Nelsen tees up the June 27 presidential debate and joins WYFF anchors for post-debate coverage.

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Kylie Fisher and Alex Aradas ’26 elevate LGBTQ+ art

Fisher and Aradas, a summer research fellow, tackle several goals in a project focused on the Queer Arts Initiative, an advocacy movement championed by the Upstate SC LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce.

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Research by Quinn, co-principals and undergrads included in case study series

A four-page case study published by SARE recaps an agroforestry research project led by John Quinn, Brannon Andersen and Courtney Quinn. Undergrads also worked on the study, which was funded by a SARE grant in...

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Furman research on Princess Amelia, King George III shines light on historical treatment of mental, physical illness

Carolyn Day, professor of history, and Megan Nunn ’25 traveled to the Royal Archives in London to study uncatalogued receipts and letters that belonged to Princess Amelia, whose death in 1810 accelerated King George III’s...

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Camille Lewis quoted in article about the chaotic 1924 Democratic Convention

Smithsonian Magazine reporter Eli Wizevich turns to Furman's Lewis to help explain the identity crisis facing the Democratic Party 100 years ago.

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Jim Smart Award recipient Savita Nair lauded for balance, compassion, sacrifice

Nair is the 11th person to be honored with the award that pays tribute to faculty and staff who help students add depth and meaning to the life decisions they make while in college.

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John Yates, former trustee, named co-chairman of Atlanta law firm

Yates, a pioneer in technology law, has been with Morris, Manning and Martin for 37 years. He's been recognized for his contributions to Atlanta's business and civic development.

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Furman’s lakeside concert series wins airtime on ‘Access Carolina,’ gets promo in GVL Journal

Sue Samuels and music education major Kelsie Hoffmann join Margaret Burnquist on "Access Carolina" to talk about the lakeside concert series. Paul Hyde of Greenville Journal tees up the June 27 military salute featuring the...

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Ken Kolb explains why place-based investment in GVL isn’t enough

Kolb has updated a report about gentrification in the City of Greenville. He explains that investing in places is a good thing, but investing in people is how the city can make inroads in shoring...

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Juneteenth a time to celebrate and reflect

Dozens gathered at the Joseph Vaughn Plaza for Furman's first event celebrating Juneteenth, the holiday commemorating the freeing of enslaved people in Texas on June 19, 1865.

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Finland President Stubb ’93 addresses leaders at Ukraine peace summit

A stoic Alexander Stubb, president of Finland and Furman alumnus, addresses 60 heads of state attending the Summit on Peace in Ukraine.

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The Hill Institute’s Davis contributes to ‘Guiding Principles’ for business

Bryan Davis is tapped for a Forbes article about guiding principles more business leaders should embrace. See principle #10.

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