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An American student in Indonesia

Last updated December 19, 2013

By Furman News

Attending the 2013 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit in Bali, Indonesia this fall was the biggest gift that Furman senior Katie Lowery had ever received. But it was also a revelatory experience. While Lowery, a political science major from Rock Hill, had always known that she was blessed to live in the United States, it wasn’t until her trip to APEC that she experienced firsthand the overwhelming honor of being an American. Lowery, who visited Asia with three other Furman students and two professors, wrote about her experiences for The Greenville News.

The trip was sponsored by the Riley Institute at Furman. APEC is the leading Asia-Pacific economic forum, whose goal is to support economic growth and well-being in the Asia-Pacific region. APEC is made up of 21 economies of Pacific Rim countries including Russia, China, the United States and all countries bordering the Pacific.  The theme of this year’s summit was “Towards Resilience and Growth: Reshaping Priorities for the Global Economy.”

You can read more about his year’s trip on the Riley Institute website.

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