News from campus and beyond

Coronavirus updates

Novel Coronavirus 19.|South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Last updated March 4, 2020

By Clinton Colmenares, Director of News and Media Strategy

As of March 6, all upcoming Furman-sponsored international study trips have been canceled through May. No Furman students are currently studying in countries with a CDC Level 3 travel advisory, and no programs the students are studying with have been cancelled. The Study Away Safety and Compliance and Assessment of Risk Committee has been closely monitoring coronavirus developments in the United States and across the globe, and we will continue to notify the campus community of any changes related to the outbreak.

For more information, see our coronavirus FAQs.

See previous coronavirus messages below.

March 6, 2020

SUBJECT: Coronavirus update: International MayX programs
TO: Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM: Nancy Georgiev, director of the Rinker Center for Study Away and International Education

Dear Campus Community,

You heard on Wednesday in a campus-wide email that we are having to make difficult decisions regarding our international study away programs because of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

As we shared earlier, we are continually monitoring the following sources to inform these decisions:

With information from these sources, and in consultation with epidemiologists on the Furman faculty, the medical director of Student Health Services and a Prisma Health infectious disease expert, we have decided to cancel international MayX Programs. We know this decision is disappointing for participating students, faculty and staff, but we also recognize that the coronavirus poses a global public health crisis, and your safety and welfare are always our top priority.

MayX students will receive a full refund for amounts already paid to Furman, and we will work closely with students on any other questions they might have.

Thanks to everyone for your patience, cooperation and understanding.


A graphic that shows the symptoms of the virus COVID-19 and how to prevent it.

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

March 4, 2020

In light of the dynamic nature of coronavirus developments around the world, Furman’s Study Away Safety and Compliance and Assessment of Risk Committee has been closely monitoring coronavirus developments in the United States and across the globe, especially in areas where our students are studying and places we are scheduled to visit. We are continually monitoring:

  • Travel advice published by the U.S. Department of State,
  • Information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
  • Information from a national network of institutions of higher education and many students and families who are currently overseas. These sources, along with the status of overseas academic programs, access to effective health care and the preferences of students, families and faculty directors, are guiding the university’s decisions with respect to the best courses of action for our study away programs.

With this in mind, we have reached the difficult decision to cancel or redirect Furman-sponsored spring break programs traveling outside of the United States. The university is currently monitoring the situation and its potential impact on current and other future study away programs, such as May X experiences, and will update everyone involved as soon as possible.

As we mentioned last week, we want to encourage you to be mindful about where you may travel over spring break. Please monitor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Information for Travel site. Regardless, please continue to practice the following healthy habits:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick (do not go to class or work)
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Practice good hygiene and other good health habits such as cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, getting plenty of sleep, managing stress, drinking plenty of fluids and eating nutritious food.

We encourage everyone to be diligent in helping to prevent the spread of illness. Students, if you experience any symptoms, please contact the Earle Student Health Center at 864-522-2000. Faculty and staff, please visit the Employee On-Site Clinic or contact your preferred health care provider.


Previous messages to the campus community

Friday, Feb. 28, 2020
Spring Break Travel

With Spring Break around the corner, we want to encourage you to be mindful about where you may travel, especially with the worldwide concerns about the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Please monitor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Information for Travel site. The university is monitoring the situation and meeting regularly and will continue to provide updates.

If you travel (or not), please continue to practice the following healthy habits:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick (do not go to class or work)
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Practice good hygiene and other good health habits such as cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, getting plenty of sleep, managing stress, drinking plenty of fluids and eating nutritious food.

We encourage everyone to be diligent in helping to prevent the spread of illness.  Students, if you experience any symptoms, please contact the Earle Student Health Center at 864-522-2000. Faculty and staff, please visit the Employee On-Site Clinic or contact your preferred health care provider.

Be well.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 4:24 PM
Be Supportive and Mindful

Dear Furman Community,

Every day for the past several weeks, we’ve heard how the coronavirus is spreading and affecting people throughout the world, with a major effect on those residing and traveling in China.

Our individual experiences deeply affect how we process world events, and I am writing to remind you that valued members of our Furman community have relatives, friends, and teachers who may be personally affected by the spread of the coronavirus. They may be understandably anxious about the wellbeing of their loved ones, and I ask that you be especially supportive and mindful of their needs.

I have seen the Furman community come together when we have faced difficulties, and I know that we will do the same for our students, friends and colleagues at this time.

If you need support or wish to discuss related issues or other concerns, please contact any of the following offices:

Student Life: 864-294-2202
Counseling Center: 864-294-3031
Spiritual Life: 864-294-2133

Behavior that contradicts our values and our culture of support and respect will be addressed. To report incidences of bias, please visit the Bias Incident Report page. If you see or hear something that doesn’t feel right or that feels threatening, please call 911 or the Furman Police Department at 864-284-2111.

While there are no reported cases of the coronavirus at Furman, there have been cases of the seasonal flu. We encourage everyone to be diligent in helping to prevent the spread of the flu and to visit the Earle Student Health Center or your preferred health care provider if you experience flu-like symptoms.

Please take care of each other.


Elizabeth Davis


Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 3:52 PM
Health Safety Tips: Flu and Coronavirus

TO: Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM: Earle Student Health Center and Human Resources

Flu season is here and the Earle Student Health Center (ESHC) wants to help all students, faculty and staff avoid the flu, recognize flu symptoms, and to be aware of any other viruses that are making headlines, such as the Wuhan Coronavirus, also referred to as the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

First, there are no reported cases of the Coronavirus at Furman. If you have travelled or plan to travel to or from areas impacted by the virus, please familiarize yourself with this information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The university is in contact with students and faculty who are planning future trips to the area and making alternative plans if necessary.

Meanwhile, Furman does have reported cases of the seasonal flu and encourage everyone to be diligent in helping to prevent the spread of the flu. The best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year.  Students, if you have not been vaccinated, you may come to the ESHC.  Faculty and staff, please visit a local pharmacy or your preferred health care provider for vaccinations.

To prevent the flu:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick (do not go to class)
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Practice good hygiene and other good health habits such as cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, getting plenty of sleep, managing stress, drinking plenty of fluids and eating nutritious food.

You may learn more about preventative measures from the CDC here.  Students, if you experience flu-like symptoms, please contact the ESHC at 864-522-2000. Faculty and staff, please visit the Employee On-Site Clinic or contact your preferred health care provider.

The Earle Student Health Center team will continue to monitor the impact of these viruses and update the campus community as needed.

Be well.


Contact Us
Clinton Colmenares
Director of News and Media Strategy