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Harvard’s Diana Eck to speak March 3

Last updated February 27, 2015

By Tina Underwood

Diana Eck, sizedHarvard Divinity School Professor Diana L. Eck, Ph.D., will deliver the Charles H. Townes Lecture on Faith and Reason Tuesday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in Younts Conference Center on the Furman University campus.

Her lecture, “The Turbulence of Religious Difference: The Challenge of Religious Pluralism in India and America,” is free and open to the public, and is also part of Furman’s World Religions Symposium taking place through April. The lecture is a Cultural Life Program event.

Dr. Diana Eck is Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies at Harvard Divinity School, Frederic Wertham Professor of Law and Psychiatry in Society, and Master of Harvard’s Lowell House.

Her academic work has a dual focus—India and America—and in both cases she is interested in the challenges of religious pluralism in a multi-religious society. Her work on India includes Banaras: City of Light, Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India, and India: A Sacred Geography. Since 1991, she has headed the Pluralism Project, which now includes a network of some 60 affiliates exploring the religious dimensions of America’s new immigration.

The Charles H. Townes Lecture on Faith and Reason is named for the Greenville native and Furman graduate who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964 for his work on the maser and laser. The lecture is funded through gifts from Townes and the John Templeton Foundation.

For more information, contact the Furman University News and Media Relations office at (864) 294-3107.

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