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Annual fund essential to Clearly Furman goals

Students on the campus of Furman University in March.

Last updated June 5, 2024

By Furman News

Barely over a year after the launch of Clearly Furman: The Campaign for Our Third Century, friends and alumni have given almost $38 million to the university’s annual fund.

Overall, Clearly Furman has raised $397.7 million toward the 2026 goal of $426 million from more than 23,400 donors; 45 percent of donors give to the annual fund. On Dins Day 2024 alone, 3,628 donors gave $1.75 million.

Gifts to Clearly Furman fund a variety of needs across campus; many are multi-year commitments or estate gifts to be received in the future. The timeliness of gifts to the annual fund and their designations are what make the fund an essential resource for Furman each year.

“Annual giving is the cornerstone of philanthropic generosity to Furman,” said Furman University President Elizabeth Davis. “Gifts of all sizes provide the resources needed to seize unique opportunities as they arise for Furman to recruit the best and brightest students, regardless of their family’s financial circumstances, and to attract and retain faculty who serve as mentors to our students. The Furman experience yesterday, today and in the future is due, in part, to the power of this generosity, and for that we are grateful.”

Giving to the annual fund supports and invests in Furman’s foremost priorities, including scholarships, engaged learning opportunities like faculty mentored research, study away, internships, wellness, belonging and community initiatives, and enhancing a vibrant campus. Specific funds that rely on annual giving include The Furman Advantage Fund, Paladin Scholarships Fund, General Scholarships and Research and Internships.

The annual fund gives faculty, staff and university leaders the flexibility to respond to the most pressing needs of the institution. Each year, a portion of the University’s donors come from campus as employees give back to Furman through payroll deductions. Since 2020, employee giving has increased year-over-year and contributed more than $1.87 million to the Clearly Furman Campaign.

The Clearly Furman total goal for the annual fund is $50 million. Giving Tuesday, this year on Dec. 3, is a global day of giving, but it’s not the only day to give. Throughout each year, every member of the Furman Family is encouraged to support today’s students and the university through the variety of opportunities provided by The Furman University Development Office.  Say yes when you can, and join others in being together for Furman students.


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Director of News and Media Strategy