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Furman hosts foreign language conference this weekend

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Last updated October 13, 2014

By Tina Underwood

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Nearly 200 college professors and other educators and scholars will converge on the campus of Furman University when it hosts the 64th annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference Oct. 16-18.

The MIFLC is an annual forum of university, college, and high school scholars and teachers for exchanging ideas and advancing the cause of scholarship in foreign language studies.

Drawing attendees from across the nation and the world, MIFLC is held each fall at a host university in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia. It consists of three days of presentations in multiple sessions, with a banquet and specially invited keynote speakers.

Presenting keynote addresses this year are Dr. Aníbal González-Pérez, Yale University Professor of Spanish, and Dr. Jack Yeager, Professor of French Studies at Louisiana State University. Also featured in the conference is a special session hosted by Dr. Stuart A. Day, University of Kansas Professor of Spanish and editor of the Latin American Theatre Review, and roundtable discussions on a series of issues facing foreign language education. As part of MIFLC’s opening reception, Dr. Santiago García-Castañón of Western Carolina University will read selections from his works of poetry.

The conference also sponsors the MIFLC Review, an annual journal of selected papers on foreign languages and literatures from the conference.

For more information, visit, or contact conference organizers Dr. Jeremy L. Cass, Furman University Associate Professor of Spanish, at, or Dr. Marianne Bessy, Furman University Associate Professor of French, at

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