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Coulter: Liberal policies make America less safe, weaker

Last updated February 17, 2016

By Furman News

“The more the (federal) government does, the stupider students get” declared Ann Coulter to a group of about 70 Furman students and community members during a Thursday lecture in McAlister Auditorium.

During an hour-long talk, Coulter said an overreaching federal government has led to failing schools. Public schools, she said, should be more accountable to parents, state and local governments and less beholden to Washington bureaucrats who, Coulter says, are out of touch with mainstream Americans.

Her lecture, titled “Wanted Constitution: Dead or Alive,” was sponsored by Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow. The controversial conservative political commentator, New York Times bestseller, syndicated columnist and lawyer blasted liberals for their interpretation of the Constitution in her typical blunt fashion.

“Liberals’ favorite part of the Constitution is something that isn’t in it,” she said.

Coulter, a regular on Fox network commentary shows, lashed out at Democrats more specifically for their positions on abortion, civil rights, immigration, gun control and education. She accused them of knowing “absolutely nothing” about gun control and especially emphasized the clarity of the second amendment. However, Coulter said there is no support for gun control from the Supreme Court and, therefore, conservative interests remain safe.

Coulter said that the U.S. would be irreparably harmed and the conservative movement damaged if millions of illegal immigrants were granted amnesty.

“The country is over with amnesty,” she said adding that immigrants tend to vote for Democrats.

Coulter also said liberal policies make America less safe and Americans less prosperous and free.

“There is a simple solution to this,” she said. “Elect a Republican president.”

After the lecture, Coulter entertained a lengthy Q & A session from a mostly friendly audience.

“I really liked [the lecture]. Some of the things she said were really out there,” said Morgan Fox ’16. “I liked how she didn’t sugarcoat issues and was honest and not superficial.”

Conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter spoke at Furman Thursday. (by Thomas Nantz)

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