Between November and December, we give Furman priority in scheduling events. Other dates are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Be sure to resolve any interdepartmental scheduling conflicts before you submit your request.

Facility Usage Charges

McAlister Auditorium serves as Furman’s flagship venue for concerts and other cultural events. The auditorium is available only by prior arrangement. University departments and Furman-funded student groups are not currently charged rental fees for their use of McAlister but may incur other charges as described below.

Parking crew: Because of the limited availability of parking spaces adjacent to the auditorium, event staff must be provided to assist patrons at public events held at McAlister. These arrangements will be made by the auditorium manager or their designee. The sponsoring department or organization will be charged for the event staff necessary to support their event. Affiliation with the university does not exempt Furman departments or organizations from this requirement.

Technical staff: McAlister currently provides basic technical support, such as standard lighting and sound, without charge to university departments and student organizations using the auditorium. Events of greater technical complexity may incur labor charges if additional staffing is necessary to support their needs. Upon request, the auditorium manager or their designee will estimate costs in advance.

Facility Scheduling

McAlister Auditorium is used by campus groups and members of the wider community throughout the year. Faculty offices and music studios are also currently housed in the lobby. University groups receive priority in scheduling the auditorium during a set period each year. But after this period, the auditorium’s calendar opens to the public. Following the close of the priority period, no additional weight is given to scheduling requests from university departments and organizations. Both on- and off-campus requests made after the priority period are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Shared use of facilities: Multiple groups may use portions of the auditorium at the discretion of the auditorium manager or their designee. The first group to schedule the auditorium will receive preference if a conflict over shared use arises.

Penalty for late cancellation: The sponsor of a university-affiliated event that cancels within four weeks of its earliest date in McAlister will be charged a $200 late cancellation fee.

General Regulations

The following general regulations govern the use of McAlister. Additional event-specific restrictions or requirements may apply.

Food and drink: Food and drink are prohibited in all seating areas and on stage. Receptions may be permitted on the front porch or in the lobby, subject to Furman’s agreements with Aramark or other concessionaires. Event sponsors must provide adequate staff to prevent the transport of refreshments into seating areas. Professional ushers may be supplied for this purpose at sponsors’ expense. Alcoholic beverages may not be possessed or consumed in McAlister Auditorium.

Posters, signs, etc.: Nothing may be affixed or attached to the interior or exterior walls, doors or fixtures of the auditorium. Displays and signs may be arranged through the auditorium manager or their designee.

Helium balloons: Balloons filled with lighter-than-air gases are prohibited.

Fire and pyrotechnics: All forms of fire and pyrotechnics are prohibited. Incense is prohibited. Unlit lamps and/or candles may be used for decorative purposes, but they may not be lit inside the building.

Aisles, seating capacity and exits: The safety of patrons, performers and staff is paramount at McAlister. Accordingly, all aisles and exits must be kept clear of persons and items. Occupancy of the auditorium by more than the number of persons specified by the fire marshal is prohibited.

Removal of equipment: No equipment may be removed from the auditorium, lobby or stage. This includes, but is not limited to tables, chairs, music stands and instruments. Event sponsors may be charged for equipment that is damaged or removed from the building.

Use of equipment by sponsors: Trained staff will be provided to operate all auditorium equipment needed to support McAlister events. Sponsors’ representatives may not operate auditorium equipment without the prior consent of the auditorium manager or their designee. Sponsors will be charged for any equipment damaged by negligent or unauthorized use.

Sound checks: Because teaching spaces are currently housed in McAlister’s lobby, no amplified sound checks, including playing music, pink noise, tones, etc., may take place before 5 p.m.

Use of front porch and plaza: The porch and front plaza of the auditorium are provided for the convenience of groups holding events in McAlister. Parking in front of the auditorium is prohibited. Groups desiring to use the front of McAlister as an assembly area for events not held at McAlister must obtain prior permission from the auditorium manager or her designee.