The Hill Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Helping aspiring entrepreneurs and founders launch social and entrepreneurial ventures

Welcome to The Hill Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, where innovation and creative minds thrive. Discover campus programs involving venture investment, ideation and launching, pitch competitions, large and small as well as a summer business boot camp that is sure to leave you with all the tools you will need to accelerate your career. Our impact does not stop on Furman’s soil, in fact, we host a multitude of  vibrant community programs centered around entrepreneurship and venture creation. Join us in shaping the future and making an impact!



Excitement is in the air at The Hill Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and we’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming events that promise to inspire, educate, and connect. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting to explore the world of startups, our events offer something for everyone.

Mark your calendars and click the link below to get ready for our some exciting opportunities!



View our Calendar of Events

Welcome to the vibrant world of Campus Programs at The Hill Institute, an exclusive opportunity designed specifically for active Furman University undergraduate and master’s students. At our institute, we believe in nurturing the entrepreneurial and creative spirit within our student community and empowering them to transform their innovative ideas into real-world ventures. Our Campus Programs are at the heart of this mission, offering a diverse range of experiences and opportunities that set the stage for future innovative and entrepreneurial success.

As a Furman student, you have access to a unique ecosystem of entrepreneurship-focused initiatives, mentorship, and resources that are tailored to your needs and aspirations. Our commitment to fostering innovation and creativity is evident through programs such as Mini Pitch Competitions, The Clemens Angel Analyst Fellowship, The Paladin Pitch Competition and The Summer Business and Innovation Boot Camp.


Campus Programs

  • Mini Pitch Competitions
  • The Clemens Angel Analyst Fellowship
  • The Paladin Pitch Competition
  • The Summer Business and Innovation Boot Camp

Campus Support

  • Furman University Student Entrepreneurship Association (FUSEA)

Learn More About Campus Programs

Experience Community Programs at The Hill Institute, where the spirit of innovation knows no boundaries. Our commitment to fostering entrepreneurship extends beyond the Furman University campus and embraces the entire Greenville community. We believe that great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, and that’s why we’ve created an inclusive ecosystem of opportunities for both Greenville community members and Furman students with a proven interest in venture creation.

Our Community Programs are designed to unite individuals who share a passion for entrepreneurship, providing a platform for collaboration, learning, and growth. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business professional, or someone simply curious about the world of startups, there’s a place for you in our vibrant entrepreneurial community.


Community Programs

  • GVL Starts

Community Events

  • Launch Parties & Hill Hustle Awards
  • Advantage Greenville

Learn More About Community Programs

The Class E Podcast is proudly presented as a collaborative effort between The Hill Institute and Furman University’s Communication Studies Department. Our podcast serves as a platform for engaging discussions with trailblazers in the realms of innovation and entrepreneurship. By spotlighting the remarkable achievements of the members within our extended Furman University community, including students, faculty, and alumni, we are able to keep up to date with many of our graduates and continue to support them in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

This podcast facilitates the sharing of stories, expertise, and experiences by forward-thinking individuals, with the ultimate goal of nurturing a vibrant and dynamic innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.




Listen to Our Latest Podcasts

Coming Soon:

Explore our comprehensive resource page, offering a diverse array of tools for success, from pitch deck templates and expert guidance on launching your own business to a wealth of practical how-to guides. Additionally, delve into impact reports, concise one-pagers, and gain access to the year’s program packets to empower your journey towards success.







Keep In Touch

Stay updated on all our latest news, events, and entrepreneurial insights by following us on our social media channels. Join our growing community on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and LinkedIn and be a part of the entrepreneurial conversation!

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Our operations are fully supported by generous donors and program sponsors. Please consider donating today to support our mission in creating innovative and entrepreneurially minded leaders at Furman and in the Upstate.

Mazi Aarts '26 | Summer Boot Camp '23

Majors: Communication Studies and Spanish

The Hill Institute | Social Media Fellow

“My time working for The Hill Institute opened my eyes to the realities of entrepreneurship, witnessing dreams turn into thriving ventures and offering a firsthand look into how an idea can become reality. This experience has equipped me with the tools needed to help kickstart local ventures and pursue my own entrepreneurial goals.”

Learn More About Mazi

Aubrey Zoodsma '26 | Paladin Pitch Finalist '23

Major: Business Admin

“If I had to define what “Furman Advantage” is, I’d say The Paladin Pitch Competition and The Hill Institute are it exactly!  I’ve learned so much from the awesome people at The Hill Institute and achieved my dream of being a business owner with their help. Participating in the Paladin Pitch was one of the best things I’ve ever done, and I’m forever grateful for the impact it and the people have had on my life while doing it.”

Learn More About Aubrey