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Edgar Henson: Ed.S. Student Profile

Last updated February 15, 2021

By Web Admin

Edgar Henson sat down with us to discuss his time at Furman and his experiences in our classrooms as he continues to complete his journey to become a school Superintendent.

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Hi I’m Edgar Henson. I am a graduate of Furman University and earned my master’s there graduating in spring of 2018. I’m currently an Assistant Principal in Greenville County Schools at Malden Middle School. I’m also currently enrolled at Furman in the Ed.S. program, while working on my superintendency certification.

What parts of the program have impacted you?

There are so many pieces that I could pull from that program that have impacted me. Being able to be with like-minded individuals who have a vision for schools, who have a love for education, and learning different theories about how to be a transformational leader in a school. There’s just a number of things that have helped me, not only in my professional career, but in my personal life.

What would you tell others teachers considering taking classes at Furman?

I’m almost at a loss of words, other than just do it.

The professors, the knowledge and the amount of experience that they have… You have your theoretical teachers, and you have your practitioners. I’ve received a great balance of theory and practicality of the job. Having professors that have been Superintendent principals, you can pull from a wealth of experience.

As one professor says, “I’ve paid enough of the stupid tax for you.” They’re not ashamed to say that they’ve done that. They share experiences with us so that when we find ourselves in similar situations, we don’t make the same mistakes. The ability to learn from some of the greatest minds in education… the education is top notch, the environment is top notch, and the price is worth it.