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Spreading Awareness of Diversity and Social Justice Through Reading

Reilly Mahan discusses her approach to learning about diversity through readings on Native American culture and experiences. This method has allowed he to engage her students in real conversation about real struggles that are happening...

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Edgar Henson: Ed.S. Student Profile

Edgar Henson sat down with us to discuss his time at Furman and his experiences in our classrooms as he continues to complete his journey to become a school Superintendent. For more information about...

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Bitmoji Classrooms: A Useful Tool for Teaching Online

Bitmoji Classrooms are an amazing way that teachers have been adapting their teaching methods to the online class structures which have become common due to the Coronavirus lockdowns.  Reilly Mahan joins us to discuss her...

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How Communities Can Help Homeless Students

Gentrification has become a buzzword among community leaders in South Carolina's upstate communities. While it is understood that gentrification can have its negative impacts, what community members don't often realize is the toll it takes...

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Distance Learning Opportunities for Furman Graduate Studies in 2021

The SACSCOC executive council has approved distance learning for Furman Graduate studies as of August 31, 2020. By offering distance education, Furman University fulfills its graduate mission statement to "transcend the traditional model for student...

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Olu Ogumbi: Alumni Spotlight

After graduating from business school with a Bachelor's in Marketing and working in the field of advertising for several years, Olu decided to enroll in Furman University's Mater of Arts in Strategic Design program. In...

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