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Wordsmiths or Algorithms: Who Holds the Key to Compelling Copy?

Last updated November 16, 2023

By Robert Mullikin

 Advancements in technology are constantly happening and shaping the future, but one of the biggest game changers in the copywriting field has recently surfaced: artificial intelligence (AI). Once it hit the internet, the debate around the ethics and support of the use of artificial intelligence for copywriting started immediately. Like most major advancements, some people are in favor of it while others are not. But what causes these two sides to stand firm in their beliefs?

People who are not in favor of using AI for copywriting are worried about copywriters losing their jobs, which is an understandable thought process. According to Tyson Quick from Jounce (2023), “As AI gets better and better, there’s a chance it could replace human copywriters completely. This could mean job loss and a drop in content quality.” People on the skeptical side of AI copywriting are misunderstood because they understand it’s not capable of replacing jobs at the moment, they are just concerned about the future of the long-lived profession. Both sides do have something in common though, which is that nobody wants to see human jobs replaced by AI.

Furman University Master of Arts in Strategic Design student, McNeill Mullikin, providing Chat GPT with a prompt.

Copywriters in favor of using AI copywriting view it as a tool to improve the quality of their writing or for brainstorming purposes. Without AI, people may spend a long time in the brainstorming process. A group of people can sit in a room and write ideas down on a board for hours until the perfect idea lands. But sometimes people may not even know where to begin. This is where a copywriting AI tool like ChatGPT could come in handy.

For instance, if I ask ChatGPT to generate ideas for my article, here is what happens:

My prompt: Hey, ChatGPT! Write attention-grabbing article headlines for my article about the debate of using artificial intelligence for use in copywriting. 

ChatGPT’s response:

  1. “The Battle of Words: Can Artificial Intelligence Outshine Human Copywriters?”
  2. “Copywriting Wars: Humans vs. AI – Who Will Dominate the Advertising World?”
  3. “Unleashing the Copywriting Revolution: How AI is Changing the Game”
  4. “Breaking Boundaries: The Rise of AI Copywriting in the Digital Age”
  5. “The Copywriting Dilemma: Embracing AI for Success or Sticking to Human Creativity?”
  6. “Copywriting 2.0: How Artificial Intelligence is Redefining the Advertising Landscape”
  7. “AI vs. Copywriters: The Ultimate Showdown for the Perfect Pitch”
  8. “From Mad Men to Machines: Exploring the Future of Copywriting with AI”
  9. “Unlocking Creativity: Can Artificial Intelligence Truly Master the Art of Copywriting?”
  10. “Wordsmiths or Algorithms: Who Holds the Key to Compelling Copy?”

Chat GPT home page.

I am going to choose the tenth option, “Wordsmiths or Algorithms: Who Holds the Key to Compelling Copy?” because I think this is the one that best suits the subject material of the article and also has a nice ring to it. Obviously, some of the headlines provided are better than others. Not everything AI generates will be quality material. It is all based on how the writer writes the prompt. Writers have to be able to give AI the necessary content to receive quality material, or else the material likely will not be usable.

This leads me to another point that pro-AI copywriters argue: AI cannot empathize with humans, therefore, AI could never replace the human element of the job. Joshua Allsopp from Finn Partners (2023) makes a great point on this matter by stating, “We know as communicators that empathy and emotional connection are by far the most effective tools of persuasion. We are, after all, humans speaking to other humans.”

Because of the lacking human components of AI, some copywriters believe it is best to get familiar with it now to stay ahead of the game. For example, regarding copywriters taking advantage of AI, Maria Sparagis from DirectPayNet (2023) recommends, “Invest in learning these tools so you can take advantage of their features while staying ahead of the curve.” This provides a nice counterpoint to those worrying about AI taking over jobs. If people choose to not use AI, they will ultimately fall behind, and that is what could cost them their careers. 

The AI copywriting debate has dominated conversations in the design world throughout 2023, and it is an extremely interesting and worthwhile debate in today’s age with rapid technological advancements. On one hand, AI copywriting can be used as a tool to make room for advancements and innovation within copywriting in and of itself (Alves, 2023). But on the other hand, others view it as a professional threat. However, it is up to the individual to decide whether or not AI is a friend or a foe. So let me ask, Wordsmiths or Algorithms: Who Holds the Key to Compelling Copy?



Allsopp, J. (2023, January 31). The future of AI in copywriting – finn partners. FINN Partners -.,replace%20the%20role%20of%20copywriters. 

Alves, R. (2023, January 15). How artificial intelligence is shaping the future of copywriting. Medium. 

Quick, T. (2023). The future of copywriting: How ai is changing the game. Jounce. 

Sparagis, M. (2023, May 31). Will AI replace copywriters? the future of copywriting and how to adapt. DirectPayNet.