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Exploring the Art of Typography: Furman University’s Immersive Journey in Visual Communication

Last updated September 19, 2023

By Robert Mullikin

Led by Professor Emily Price, an expert marketing consultant, Furman University’s Master of Arts in Strategic Design Typography class, type as message, immerses students in the intricate world of visual communication through typography. By leveraging fonts, styles, and layouts, students learn to convey impactful messages and evoke emotions in their designs, equipping themselves with essential skills for their professional pursuits.

With Professor Price’s guidance, students embark on various assignments that push the boundaries of typographic creativity. One notable project, the typeface booklet assignment, challenges students to reimagine and redesign assigned fonts inspired by different art eras. This endeavor encourages critical thinking about the interplay between font, design, and historical context.

Among the impressive creations from this project, Michael Kline’s Gouveau typeface stands out as a testament to his ingenuity. By seamlessly combining elements of Goudy and Art Nouveau, Kline expertly crafted a visually captivating typeface. Reflecting on the process, Kline shared, “As a lover of Art Nouveau and an infrequent user of serif fonts, this project was super fun and out of my comfort zone. Picking out a look and then trying to apply that to every upper and lowercase letter was a challenge, but the end result was worth it.”

Another project, the personal stationery suite, provided students with the opportunity to create business cards and letterhead that reflected their unique personal brands. Through careful selection of typography elements and color schemes, students gained a deeper understanding of the role typography plays in visual identity and effective communication.

Oliver Smith’s personal stationery suite emerged as a favorite among the Strategic Design cohort. Smith masterfully demonstrated his creative prowess by integrating a lightbulb shape from his initials into his logo, symbolizing the lightbulb moments of inspiration. Recalling the process, Smith expressed, “To me, those big “ah-ha” moments are the most rewarding part of the creative process. The moments when you pull everything together into a tight, cohesive unit. I love that I was able to reflect that in my business suite with the lightbulb shape in my logo.”

If you are passionate about visual communication and seek to further your expertise in strategic design, consider applying to Furman University’s Master of Arts in Strategic Design program. Join a community of creative thinkers and immerse yourself in a program that will empower you to make a meaningful impact in the world of design. Visit our website for more information and take the first step toward an exciting and fulfilling career in strategic design by clicking HERE!