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4 Tips for Managing the Transition to Teaching Online

Last updated April 26, 2021

By Web Admin

Furman M.A.Ed. student Daniel Hoilett shares some tips for teachers and discusses how he managed his transition from teaching classes in-person to teaching online during the 2020-21 Covid-19 Quarantine and how it resulted in a more engaged classroom.

#1 Relationships are at the heart of teaching so make sure your kids “Feel The Love”

My biggest thing going into this school year was, I definitely knew it was going to be different. I was accepting that from the get-go, but I wanted to really make sure that my kids still felt the love first and that I was being intentional about it.   I think that’s the heart of our teaching, the relationships, because if kids don’t think you care about them and they don’t know that you care about them, they’re not gonna listen. They’re already not going to want to engage with you, so I think that’s the first step.

#2 Sometime less is more, so set realistic goals and expectations

From there, I really just went with the whole “less is more” mentality. I’ve been adding one piece at a time and that really has worked for us. I think it was, after the middle of the second week, we really started to hit a good little stride. I don’t get a whole lot of emails and I don’t get a whole lot of tech issues anymore. I think we really put a lot of time in on the front end so that they know where they’re going, they know what they’re doing, and that honestly has just been so good, so. “Less is more” is my take.

#3 Focus on what is most important and let your kids set the pace

Every single thing that I would be doing when I was in the classroom, do we hit every single thing anymore? Every day? No. We as teachers have to say, “Okay, what is going to be actually most important during this year?” because it’s not going to be everything and that’s okay.

It’s honestly a different way of  approaching school. That’s been the coolest part about it. You’re able to take a lot more time, slowing down and really focusing on what’s important.  You just have to let your kids lead, and that for me has been a huge help. My kids are still learning, we’re still working on our addition subtraction, we’re still going through all the things but it is very focused on what’s most important.

#4 Teaching online may not be the same as in-person, but it can be just as effective with intentionality

My biggest thing, I just keep talking with people about has been that this can still be a meaningful time for these kids. This can still be something where they are excited about learning, they can still feel that love from you, it just takes a whole lot more intention behind it.

So far, this has been one of my most connected classes and it’s been ironic because we’re very far apart from each other. I’m already hearing from parents that they were shocked at how much their student is engaged, this year. They were saying they weren’t expecting it.

If I gave any piece of advice it’s that it’s not gonna look the same, but it can look like something really good.