The goals of the First Year @ Furman program are:

  • To support Furman’s newest faculty colleagues via just-in-time professional development opportunities related to effective teaching and research, student learning, and designing/navigating your academic career. 
  • To create collegial, interdisciplinary networkfor social support and future teaching, research, outreach, administrative, anservice collaborations. 
  • To co-create community that facilitates mutual support and advocacy for one another. 

The First Year @ Furman program is designed for our newest faculty colleagues and encompasses three central elements:

1) First Year Discovery Series

Description: A set of regular learning opportunities to discover core aspects of our community, faculty roles and responsibilities, and professional support. All seminars will involve a short overview of topical information provided by guest facilitators, active exploration of specific ideas, and opportunities for questions and conversation. Occasionally, a pre-session resource is provided for review. Select sessions are open to the Furman community (noted with *). 

When 12:35- 1:25 p.m. (Common Hour) on select dates throughout the semester.  

Where:  All events for AY 2024-2025 will be held in the Trustees Dining Room (Daniel Dining Hall) unless otherwise noted. Lunch is provided, so please arrive a few minutes early to make your meal selections. An option to join virtually will be available for anyone who is not able to join in person (zoom room here).   

2) Peer Mentor Circles

Description:  Four (2 per semester) guided yet informal collegial conversations to share experiences, build connections, and foster mutual support. Over your career, you will develop rich relationships with colleagues who will serve as mentors for your teaching, scholarship, and personal life. At Furman, instead of assigning each new faculty member one institutional mentor, we believe in a collective approach.

When: 12:35- 1:25 p.m. (Common Hour) on select Wednesdays throughout the semester. 

WhereAll events for AY 2024-2025 will be held in the Faculty Dining Hall (Daniel Dining Hall) unless otherwise noted. Lunch is provided, so please arrive a few minutes early to make your meal selections.  

3) Peer Teaching Observations

Once per semester, we encourage each FY@F member to partner with another member to engage in a teaching observation process that involves a classroom observation and pre- and post-observation chat. A set of prompts to support this process is available here. You may also be interested in working with one of the FDC’s trained peer observation coaches. Contact the FDC ( or complete this online form if you would like us to help facilitate this process.  

For a full (downloadable) list of all 24-25 Discovery Series and Peer Mentor Circle Connection Sessions, please see here.

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First Year @ Furman Programming Dates for 2024-25

2024-2025 Peer Mentor Circle Leaders

Nathan Cook

John D. Hollingsworth, Jr., Professor of Economics

Eunice Kim

Assistant Professor, Classics

Adam Putnam

Associate Professor