The Faculty Development Center provides a range of collaborative support services to advance your teaching, scholarship, or professional development goals including consultations, professional coaching, teaching observations, and small group instructional feedback. All of our services are voluntary, formative, confidential, and are not part of formal faculty evaluation processes unless you elect to utilize outputs for that purpose. For more information about each of the services we offer, please click below. You can sign up for any of these services here.


What’s the Difference between Coaching and Consulting?

Coaching and consulting are different points on the continuum of professional development.

In consultations, we identify your needs and work with you to provide resources, guidance, and support that align with your professional development goals. FDC consultants offer expertise in areas of teaching, learning, and research that might aid your improvement of an aspect of your work. If you are looking for specific tips, ideas, materials or resources, please request a consultation.

Professional coaching, on the other hand, is a process of working through opportunities and challenges with a “thinking partner,” the coach, whose role is solely to ask good questions that allow you to think through your situation, goals, and strategies for moving forward. FDC coaches are experts in a process, and you are the expert on your life and work. Coaching sessions are not designed to provide you with direct advice or resources. If you have a question, interest, or idea that you’d like to think through with a partner for clarity and planning purposes but don’t need directed guidance or resources, please request a coaching session. For more information about topics and to request a consultation or coaching session, click below.

Please note that if you have a technical question about Moodle or instructional technology, our colleagues in Learning Technology Services (LTS) can provide just-in-time, useful information about various tools and apps to utilize for teaching and learning. To learn more about the services offered through LTS, including interactive learning technologies, please visit here or contact Susan Dunnavant, Director of Learning Technology Services, for more information.