What Makes a Great Leader?

Effective leadership means becoming aware of your own and your team’s strengths. Research has shone that teams with successful leaders build teams around the idea of complementing different strengths, and continue to expand on them (Rath and Conchie, 2009). We are proud to offer Clifton Strengths at the Center for Innovative Leadership, and the courses we offer are comprise of two separate courses designed to be taken in respective order–Discovery and Strategies for Success. Each courses is facilitated by Furman’s own Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and each run for three hours on the day they are hosted.

If you have been looking for a tool to help you understand what you excel in and to recognize the strengths of your peers and team, then look no further!

Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2009). Strengths based leadership: Great leaders, teams, and why people follow. Gallup Press.

Who should take Clifton Strengths?

  • Individuals looking to sharpen their skills, improve problem solving, and aim towards success
  • Managers and Teams looking to inspire better team performance
  • Organizations looking to create a culture where people feel fulfilled and valued

Clifton Strengths: Discovery

In Discovery, you will first gain access to Clifton Strengths’s online talent assessment to measure your unique talents, or your “talent DNA”–the innate themes of natural abilities that set you apart from everyone else. During the session, you will refer to your full personalized Clifton Strengths 34 results report, and learn with our Gallup Certified Strengths Coach how to focus on your strongest talents and make a difference by doing more of what you naturally do best. This also includes techniques to develop these natural talents of yours into strengths.


The strength categories developed from Clifton research found that there are four domains of leadership strengths that high performing teams possess: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking. People accomplish their loftiest goals through applying and cultivating their unique strengths, and all teams excel when they are made up of a diverse group of unique individuals, each with areas they excel in, to cultivate new ideas and work more effectively together.

Interested in Learning More?

We stand by the quality of our facilitators and the experience of participating in the Clifton Strengths through the Center for Innovative Leadership. If you are looking for an engaging, informative and caliber of experience, please contact us if you would like to learn about the next available session!

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