Admissions Blog Posts

Why I Love Office Hours

Last updated April 2, 2021

By Web Admin

– Andersen Wade –

One on one time with professors can make all the difference in your class. Furman professors are so approachable and genuinely want to help you succeed. That’s one of my absolute favorite things about Furman! I know I can turn to my professors and let them know about anything I’m struggling with especially if it is interfering with my class. Office hours are the best because it gives you the opportunity to talk to the professor about any issues, reflect on your work in the class so far, and gain a deeper understanding on any confusing material.

All of my professors this semester have used office hours to improve our experience in the class. I know I’ve used this opportunity to help write papers, reflect on my previous work, and to prepare for exams. I’ve had a very “paper-heavy” semester, but as a freshman, I’m still adjusting to writing at a college level. Meeting with my professors to discuss the ideas for my paper and the structure I plan to use has been so helpful. Feedback is always important, but getting to ask the person who is grading the assignment is even better.

My FYW (First Year Writing Seminar) has definitely been a great learning experience. It has taught me so much about my writing, but getting to discuss papers in a one on one setting with my professor has been the most helpful. He has helped me identify my own weaknesses and strengths while setting goals for my future work in the class. There was even a week of class where he told us we wouldn’t be meeting as a group, but instead we would schedule individual meetings with him to go over old papers and discuss the upcoming one. Not only does this help me improve, but it also builds that student-professor relationship!

I’ve also taken advantage of office hours a lot in my religion class this semester. This course is called Bible and the Ultimate Meaning, and while it’s very interesting, one of the papers has been challenging. Luckily, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to my professor about my sources and thoughts which has made the process so much easier. Anytime I had an issue, it was as simple as clicking a link, scheduling a time that works for me, and hopping on Zoom. Now usually office hours would be in person, but with the pandemic, Zoom has been the next best option.

My public health professor has also used office hours to help us prepare before tests. She gives us an opportunity to talk to her for about two hours one afternoon before the test. Any clarification we need or questions to ask can be covered in this time and it’s been so helpful for me. Professors might give you additional advice or hints during this time because they can see that you care about your grades by attending office hours.

Going to office hours or scheduling a time to meet with a professor can’t do anything but help. I’ve absolutely loved these opportunities because not only does it help my work in the class, but it builds a relationship. This individual and close community type of education is one of the many reasons I love Furman and I’m so grateful for all the help these professors provide! No need to worry about classes or not being able to get additional support because your professors are there for you.

ALL the love!
