Admissions Blog Posts

Top 5 Most Politically Active College Campuses

Last updated November 4, 2022

Politics is present in everyday life, and college is one of the first times that students begin to realize this, as they are away from home. As I began to take Politics courses at Furman, I fell in love with the discipline, allowing me to choose Politics and International Affairs as my major. However, it is far more than Politics majors who are involved in Political life on campus.


It’s not a shocker that politics are commonly discussed within classes and between students at a school like Furman. Not only is the nature of Furman small and intellectual which cultivates this type of political discussion, but we were ranked #5 by the Princeton Review for “Colleges with the Most Politically Active Students”.


Here are some recent programs and activities that Furman students have participated in involving Politics:


Pizza and Politics

This is a series Furman’s Politics and International Affairs department puts on every Wednesday during Common Hour! This is an opportunity for students from any major or discipline to come and discuss a particular political event or topic. These conversations typically include a professor who gives professional and academic insight on the topics, making students more considerate and open-minded. Overall, this series provides a space outside of class for students and faculty to discuss some of the world’s most pressing issues.



Our Cultural Life Program, or CLP’s, is a graduation requirement here at Furman. These are presentations, lectures, and performances meant to make students more culturally aware. The Politics Department hosts many CLP’s throughout the year. This past week, Editorial Page Writer from the Wall Street Journal, Barton Swaim, came and presented a “Good Night, Liberalism” CLP. Early this semester the United States Attorney for South Carolina, Adair Boroughs, came and spoke about the Constitution and the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I went to a CLP this semester where a former Illinois Senator came and spoke about Political Polarization. While all these topics fulfill Furman’s CLP requirement, they open students’ eyes to leaders in our political world.


Dins Vote and Campaigns

Lastly, there is a huge effort on our campus to get students involved in voting. We have an organization called Dins Vote, which provides incentives to students all around campus for voting. In addition, organizations bring political speakers to campus. In the past, we have had major political candidates come to Furman and even some presidential candidates. Just today, South Carolina Democratic Governor candidate, Joe Cunningham, came to speak exclusively to Furman students! Joe was a congressman for South Carolina’s First Congressional district and is now running for governor of South Carolina! Having opportunities to meet this type of candidate is such a unique experience and makes Furman even more special.


Politics are crucial to any American citizen’s life and having the opportunity to learn about it when in college is hugely beneficial.