Admissions Blog Posts

Tips and Tricks for the Senior College Search

Last updated September 18, 2020

By Web Admin

It’s officially here – Senior year! Now that you have made it to the top of the school, you will begin to hear one question over and over again: so, do you know where you are going to college? While this question may be exciting for some, it can be stress inducing for many. Narrowing down your college list takes time and we are here to help every step of the way. If you are unsure where to start, keep reading for some of my best tips for senior year.

Start by asking yourself the big questions.

Do you want a small school or a large school? Do you want to live on a college campus or commute? Do you want to live in a city or a suburb? Do you thrive in small or large class sizes? Do you want a school with a large athletic program and school spirit? Do you prefer a school with a strong Fine Arts program? Asking yourself these types of questions will help point you in the right direction of colleges to research further.

Next, think about what is really important to you.

I know what you are thinking, this may sound a bit obvious… but really take some time to think. What are your “must have’s”? What experiences do you crave? Whether it’s being part of a community, internship opportunities, or particular class offerings, take some time to fully envision yourself on a college campus.

Take advantage of opportunities to get to know a school better.

Maybe you toured the school during your junior year, or maybe you have a family friend who attends. Although these connections are a great source of information – there is always room to better educate yourself on a university. Many schools have cancelled campus visit programming due to current health and safety circumstances, but there are many alternate opportunities available!

Furman is currently offering virtual information sessions and tours, student panels, regional showcases, high school visits, academic career panels and so much more. Although it may feel like the college search is made harder by our inability to comfortably travel during this time, there are more opportunities than ever before to get to know a school virtually!

Research application requirements, dates and deadlines.

Are the schools you are interested in on the Common App? Test Optional? Is there a separate application for merit scholarship opportunities? These are some of the questions you will want to ask yourself. It is important to gain an understanding on what each school you are interested in requires in order to be considered for admission.

Next – make sure you know WHEN you need to apply. Some schools may be rolling admissions, while others will have specific deadlines. You may consider applying Early Action to a couple of schools, while for others Regular Decision is a better fit. Are you unsure which applicant pool is best for you? That leads me to my next piece of advice – ask your Admissions Counselor.

Don’t be a stranger to your Admissions Counselor.

We are here to help. And, we want to help. Do not be afraid to reach out to your admissions counselor! We are more than willing to answer any questions you may have throughout the admissions process. As an added bonus, we are often a part of your application review. Keep in touch, ask questions, and let us know how we can continue to advocate for you.

Feeling excited to learn more?

If you are finding these tips and tricks to be helpful, you may consider registering for our upcoming resource workshop. A Senior’s Guide to the College Search is the first webinar of the Furman Admission’s College Toolkit Series. Whether Furman is on your list of potential schools, or you are simply eager to learn best practices for the college application, this workshop will help put your best foot forward.

By Mckenna Reese, Admissions Counselor