Admissions Blog Posts

The Do’s and Don’ts of Community Bathrooms

Last updated February 2, 2022

By Andersen Wade

I know your first thought right now. “I could never use a community bathroom for a whole year!” At least I know that was my first thought. If I’m being honest, one of my biggest fears when starting college was having to use a community bathroom for freshman year. Looking back, it really is not that bad. There are pros and cons like there are with just about everything in life. You don’t have to clean the bathroom or buy your own toilet paper and you get to randomly see your friends and start conversation!

DO Wear shower shoes

With community showers, it’s always safe to just wear shower shoes. You don’t want to risk having your feet on the floor, yes they are cleaned every week, but it’s still safer to keep shoes on. Go buy some cheap flip flops from Target and you’re all set!

DON’T Leave anything in the shower

Leave the shower as clean as you found it! Basically, make sure you don’t leave any hair or anything around and the people on your hall will thank you. For the most part, people usually leave the showers pretty clean. Just make sure you’re not the person leaving anything in there for someone else to find!

DO Use a shower caddy

A shower caddy is one of the easiest ways to take all of your shower stuff to the bathroom. Everything is all in one place and it’s easy to carry. Just keep it somewhere in your room and grab it whenever you’re about to shower! There are also some hooks near the shower that you can use to hang your caddy.

DON’T Leave personal trash in the trashcans

The maintenance staff will love you if you keep your personal trash out of the community trashcans! You will hear this too many times to count, but those trashcans are only supposed to be for paper towels, so just make sure you have your own trashcan in your room for any of your other trash.

DO Play music if you want to!

If you’re someone that likes to listen to music in the shower, by all means do it!! It’s completely normal for people to have their music playing in the bathrooms, so don’t hesitate to put it on blast!

In Sum

The community bathrooms really aren’t anything to be worried about! In all honesty, it’s really fun seeing your friends from the hall in the bathroom. You never have to clean or buy toilet paper or paper towels. Obviously there are times when I would much rather have private bathrooms, but in the end it isn’t that different. I never thought I would say this, but part of me will always love having community bathrooms! As always, if ever want more information or have questions don’t hesitate to reach out!

All the love!
