Admissions Blog Posts

Simple Time Management Tips for College Students

Last updated October 5, 2020

By Web Admin

Balancing a new environment, academic work, and possibly getting involved on campus is not easy! No matter what, you’re always left with the same 24 hours in a day to check items off lists, spend time with classmates and friends, and take some time to unwind. Follow these time management tips and strategies to ensure that you meet deadlines, are well prepared for assessments, and have time for yourself! 

1. Identify time wasters 

Are you spending too much time checking social media or answering texts/calls while studying? By setting goals and organizing your tasks based on priority, you are less likely to waste time as you can use those wasters as rewards for staying focused and completing the work. 

2. Make a to-do list ahead of time

I am a BIG fan of making to-do lists and I swear by them for anyone struggling with time management and stress. To-do lists easily help prioritize tasks and work based on when they are due or how much time you might need to complete it. 

3. Small or big tasks first? 

Some people may say big tasks first, but I say small! It is so easy to get overwhelmed with big projects or exams. By starting with the small tasks, you are more likely to complete it efficiently and have more time for the projects or exams later. 

4. Use breaks wisely 

Do you have 20 minutes free between classes and have nothing to do? Instead of scrolling through social media on your phone, pick up a textbook and start a homework reading. If you are feeling extra overwhelmed, use those short breaks to make to-do lists to familiarize yourself on when deadlines are coming up. 

5. Stay in tune with your mental health 

It is SO important as college students to take time to relax and reenergize, especially during a hard week or exam week. Break up long study sessions with some time away from the computer screen or books to give your mind a break. Here at Furman, my friends and I love to take a ten minute break to simply walk outside — this year we usually walk to the Bell Tower and back because it is close to our apartment! 

Listen, time management is crucial! By staying in tune with yourself, utilizing technology perks, and keeping a regular routine, each and every college student has the potential to thrive and succeed academically. Find time to meet with professors if you are struggling, surround yourself with friends when you are having a bad day, and maybe even give home a call so your family knows you are alive and thriving!

If you ever have any questions or concerns about time management in college, just reach out!

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