Admissions Blog Posts

Finding Balance Your Senior Year

It's senior year and you're trying to balance classes, extracurricular activities, your social life, college applications, and not to mention dealing with the fact that the next few years of your life are currently an...

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All Things Alex

Hey there! My name is Alex Rick and I am so stoked to share my life at Furman with you guys! Here’s everything you need to know about me: I'm a goofball who loves making...

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I’m Your Girl

Hey y’all ! I’m Rosemary Cruse. Before I dive into the true characteristics about myself, let’s get those basic questions we all remember having to answer over and over at fall orientation out of the...

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Tips for Writing a Fantastic College Essay

When you reach the point of filling out college applications, most of the work is behind you.  You’ve earned the grades, taken the tests, and have narrowed down a list of colleges to apply to. ...

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How to Successfully Prepare for a College Meeting

It is true what they say – time flies! One day it is freshman year of high school, then before you know it you are an upperclassmen studying for your SAT’s. Touring college campuses, perfecting...

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Just Can’t Wait to be on the Road Again

Picture this: It is mid-July. I am at my desk. I have carved out some time this afternoon to write this blog post, wherein I hope to shed light on what we in the field...

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