Admissions Blog Posts

5 Ways To Be The Best YOU This Semester

It’s the start of a new decade and semester, so there’s no time like the present to reflect on how we can grow and learn from our past, but focus on improving our futures. This...

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what a RUSH!!

What has chanting, yelling, singing, and a bunch of girls in matching outfits? SORORITY RECRUITMENT!! From an outsiders point of view recruitment can seem a little intimidating so I thought why not breakdown my own...

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There’s No Place Like Home: Adjusting to Life in College

I will never forget the feeling of standing on the steps of McGlothlin Hall my freshman year on move-in day and watching my parents drive away, my mom’s car getting smaller and smaller as it...

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Managing Your Time!

So it's that time of the year where it's crunch time. It's not quite finals but most of the exams before the finals are coming up and that is the final push to determine whether...

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Good Restaurants or Bust!

I don't know about y’all, but one factor I found to have great importance in the college decision process is the city in which the college or university resides. Now yes the city or town...

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Holiday Hacks

Hey y'all it's Tatum The holiday season is rapidly approaching and I am here to share some easy ways to get your dorm room/ apartment into the holiday spirit! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza...

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Getting on the Grind: A Review of GVL’s Best Coffee Shops

As the days get shorter and the nights in the lib get longer, I’ve found myself frequently turning to coffee as my saving grace. In fact, I’m writing this blog post sipping a peppermint mocha...

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Mamma Mia! (Auditions)

By: Jaylon Goodwin Hello hello hello!! Welcome back to another blog post about my nonstop life here at Furman! This week I will be talking about the upcoming Pauper Players spring show Mamma Mia! Auditions...

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Study Away Spotlight: Bond University

Hey guys, it's Jackie! This week I am going to spotlight one of my dear friend's experience studying abroad in Australia with Bond University. Lina Zaharias is a current junior at Furman, where she studies...

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Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

83 days, 2 months & 22 days, 11 weeks & 6 days, 1,992 hours. Sounds like a long time right? This is exactly the amount of time has passed since I packed up my life...

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MayX Mayhem!!!

Hello! Welcome to another blog of mine! In this post, I will be talking about MayX programs that Furman offers and how I'm having to make a super difficult decision of choosing which one I...

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It’s A Small School After All: The Pros of a Small School With a Big Heart

Although there were a million things I was clueless about throughout my college application process, the one thing I was sure about starting my junior year of high school was that I wanted to go...

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