Admissions Blog Posts

Learning About Libby: One Game at a Time

My time has closed as a Summer 2020 Intern, BUT I’m back and this time as a Social Media Intern for Furman’s Admissions office! Let’s do an introduction in a different way this time-- I...

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Tips and Tricks for the Senior College Search

It’s officially here – Senior year! Now that you have made it to the top of the school, you will begin to hear one question over and over again: so, do you know where you...

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What does my school day look like?

Hi, hello, and welcome back to a new blog from yours truly! :) This week I am going to write about what a typical day at Furman looks like for me, featuring my FDOC (first...

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The Shucker Leadership Institute

Furman students generally tend to be very involved on campus in multiple organizations, and I think one of the best organizations is the Shucker Leadership Institute. Unfortunately, because the application process takes place the summer...

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

There is no question that Furman students are heavily involved in just about everything. One of our many claims to fame is the fact that US News ranks us as the fourth best school for...

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Furman Feature: Five clubs on campus that would surprise you!

Hello, everyone! In this post, I will introduce to you five unique clubs that can be found on Furman's campus. Hopefully, you find them as interesting as I have over my two years as a...

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Thinking About Double Majoring?

Are you struggling on deciding what to major in? Or are you maybe interested in a few different majors? If so, you are not alone…. That is exactly how I was feeling my senior year...

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My Top Five Restaurants in GVL and TR

If there's anything this blog writing thing has made me realize, it's that I don't take nearly enough pictures. Luckily, I don't really need pictures I have taken myself to show y'all some of my...

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Becoming a Business Administration Major: Furman Edition

According to the National Center for Education Statistics and several other sites, the most popular major for college students in the United States tends to be Business. Likewise, at Furman University, popularity for Business as...

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Changing Your Major

The summer before I came to Furman, I think the question that I got asked the most from family and friends was what I was going to study. For someone who has NO idea what...

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Words of Wisdom

Hi! Hello! And welcome back to a new blog from me! This week, I decided to take a more intricate approach and give advice for you prospective students and future Paladins! I reached out to...

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Major Feature: History

When I came to Furman, I had no idea what I wanted to study or what I wanted to do after college. Luckily, since Furman is a liberal arts school with quite a few general...

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