Admissions Blog Posts

Great Ways to Get Involved on Campus

By Colin Klaff One of the great things about Furman is the many different opportunities and possibilities to get involved on campus. Here at Furman we have a wide variety of organizations, clubs, and groups...

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Clean Plate Club

I don’t know about you, but I can be a pretty picky eater, so choosing a school that provided food that I was actually inclined to eat was pretty important for me. The fact that...

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How to Show Demonstrated Interest in a Virtual World

While the college process may seem challenging to some students, deciding which college to attend can be very important. During the college search process, many students usually begin to grow more and more enthusiastic about...

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Taking Care of Yourself in College

At the beginning of my first year at Furman, I quickly invested my free time in joining student organizations, scheduled intentional time with friends, spent hours in the library (whether or not I was studying),...

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Let’s Explore the BEST Off Campus Nature Spots

Enough with the study hacks, let’s have some fun! Whether you enjoy walking, running, or biking, the surrounding areas of Furman have SO much to offer for all your outdoor needs. On the weekends, Furman...

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Finding Your Fit – Virtually

Dear Senior, I know that this isn’t the senior year you imagined. I understand that you are dealing with uncharted territories in every aspect of life – school, family, friends, and your college search process....

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Green Spaces in Greenville

One of my favorite parts of being a Furman student, aside from the great academics, strong sense of community and much more, is being located in Greenville, South Carolina. Downtown Greenville and the surrounding spaces...

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‘MAJOR’ Things !

I’ve always loved school. I loved the routine. I loved the social aspect. But there was one thing that kept me constantly glancing at the clock it hopes to make it go faster…. MATH &...

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Let’s Talk About Advising

If you’re anything like I was before coming to Furman, you’ve probably already got some idea of what major you might want to pick once you get to Furman, maybe a minor or two, some...

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Simple Time Management Tips for College Students

Balancing a new environment, academic work, and possibly getting involved on campus is not easy! No matter what, you’re always left with the same 24 hours in a day to check items off lists, spend...

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Coping with Homesickness

Most of us are so used to being surrounded by our family 24/7. You get so annoyed with them that you think there's NO way you'll miss them once you're in college! You know you...

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Keeping Your Hometown Besties Close

Change is hard. Whether it be something big like going away to college or small like Starbucks getting rid of my favorite holiday drink, I often struggle a bit when my life is met with...

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