Admissions Blog Posts

How-To: Work-Study

As a low-income student, I am lucky to have much of my education financed by scholarships and grants, but there are still costs that are my responsibility to cover. I knew early on that I...

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TR Spotlight: Sidewall Pastry Kitchen

Travelers Rest is the coolest town located right next to Furman’s campus, no more than a 7 minute drive! It is also accessible via the Swamp Rabbit Trail- my friends and I love to ride...

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Goodbye High School, HELLO College!

Saying goodbye to all of your high school best friends can be really sad, but knowing how amazing this new stage of life will be is so exciting! Embrace the nerves and get ready for...

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Being a Transfer Student: Guest blog by Catherine Hare

A year ago, I was in my first semester at Furman as a sophomore transfer student. Looking back, I laugh at myself thinking about the hours I spent the summer before worrying about transferring into...

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Getting Through Busy College Days Together

Half way through each semester, a lot of college students start to feel the mid-semester slump kick in. This time is jam packed with assessments, projects, meetings, and more. In order to survive these busy...

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Hidden Campus Resources

One of the many reasons that I simply adore Furman University is that even though it is considered a smaller university, we have the resources of any large university or state school. From career planning,...

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Living with a Roommate

Living with a roommate for the first time can be very challenging. It's an adjustment for everyone, but it's completely understandable to be worried about it. Finding out who my roommate would be was one...

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The ‘Dins Spirit

One of the reasons I decided to attend Furman University was because of the school spirit. School pride and school spirit were very important parts of my criteria when looking at schools. I wanted to...

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Do Nots of Dorms

I don’t know about you all, but when I entered 7th grade I was most excited about one thing… having a locker! I was most excited about buying all the completely unnecessary locker decorations and...

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How to Save Money on Textbooks

Earlier this semester, I wrote a piece for the Paladin about the challenges that low-income students face on a college campus. For some students, it really is the choice between buying an expensive textbook required...

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The Power of Furman’s Small but Mighty Learning Community

Have you ever imagined your college experience sitting in a huge lecture hall in the back row, barely being able to see the teacher or the board? Me neither. At Furman you have the opportunity...

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A New Way of Furman Life

Obviously this semester doesn't look anything like what anyone is used to. We want to smile at people as we pass them and be closer than 6 feet to our best friends. Even though none...

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