Admissions Blog Posts

Overview of Fall Diversity Events & Goals

Last updated September 30, 2020

By Web Admin

Diversity Events? ….ooooo, tell me more….

Furman Diversity Connection – FDC is one of my favorite days in the fall when we are really just starting to meet high school seniors as they are navigating the application process or just on the cusp of jumping in and getting started. This year, FDC will be offered virtually and we’ve worked really hard to maintain the magical moments of connecting prospective students with Mosaic, participating in a mock class, and learning more about campus resources ready to support you. We also have a surprise activity for participants pre and post event so plan to attend and let’s have fun!

Black Experience at Furman – This is a new event for our office which was created around the inquiry to highlight the student of color experience. Oftentimes, our staff is tasked with painting the picture on how our prospective students may see themselves on our campus, but let’s be honest; all of our staff are Furman and/or non-alumni college graduates so by default, our experience is already one year removed. We want you to hear from those who have come before you and are currently living the student experience. There will be a variety of topics covered to include but not limited to: academics, Furman Advantage, and campus climate. Tune in to watch yours truly to engage with members from the Furman family as we take a deeper dive into their personal experiences. Click here to register for these events:

What are the goals?

What are the goals? Of course, the ultimate goal is to recruit the most selective and amazing entering class of 2021. Realistically, we want to stay the course of crafting our upcoming class, but we also remain very aware of the diversity of the class and overall richness of new students that will be on campus in just under a year. There is research in all career fields and every corner of society that supports the notion that diversity equals a stronger team, office, and here, campus community. So, ultimately, our goal is to continue to diversify the incoming class, which ultimately contributes to the overall makeup of our student body. What are we doing to accomplish these goals? It starts with you. We are here for you and we want you to join us. Grab your favorite beverage, pull up a chair, and bring a friend. Here we go!……

Allyson Brown, Associate Dean of Admissions for Diversity & Inclusion