Admissions Blog Posts

My Favorite Furman Classes

Last updated October 1, 2020

By Web Admin

Over my first couple of years here at Furman, I have had the opportunity to take many different courses that have shaped my academic path. The courses that I have enjoyed the most and have influenced me the most are GERs, which stands for General Education Requirements.

GERs are classes from many different fields of study such as the arts, science, math and so on. The beautiful thing about going to a liberal arts university such as Furman is that you will have the opportunity to take many different kinds of classes. GERs have been my favorite kinds of classes here at Furman because of the wide variety of options.

My freshman year I took a Wellness Concepts course where I learned about the benefits of exercise, diet, and basic anatomy of the body. This was a very interesting class that met two times per week in the classroom, and two times per week in the Physical Activity Center. The reason I loved this class so much is not just because I learned about the benefits of exercise, but it also taught me how to exercise well. Before coming to Furman, I had never step foot in a gym to weight lift, and the reason I never started was because I didn’t know how to use the equipment properly. This class taught me how to use all the gym equipment properly and effectively, which is why it was one of my favorite classes here at Furman.

Another GER I had the opportunity to take was Chinese. I was able to take three semesters of Chinese throughout my freshman and sophomore year. This was a language that I had zero experience with prior to my first class, but that didn’t matter. I was able to start from nothing and learn the basics of Chinese, which was very interesting to me. My Chinese classes were engaging and fun, and I am so glad Furman gave me the chance learn the basics of the language.

Furman has a wide variety of classes that any student can, and is encouraged, to take. GERs are such an incredible advantage as they give you the opportunity to learn things that you never thought you would get the chance to and take classes that will help define your academic path. Wellness Concepts and Chinese were just two of the great GER classes I have had the chance to take, but they were definitely my favorites.

See you next week,
