Admissions Blog Posts

Learning About Libby: One Game at a Time

Last updated September 21, 2020

By Web Admin

My time has closed as a Summer 2020 Intern, BUT I’m back and this time as a Social Media Intern for Furman’s Admissions office! Let’s do an introduction in a different way this time– I love games. Board games, sports games, card games, and more. Currently my favorite games are Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Anomia, and Settlers of Catan. To help all of you get to know me a little better, let’s play a game. Let’s play Would You Rather?. Through my answers to a series of simple questions, I bet you will learn more about me than you would in a conversation over a cup of coffee. 

Would you rather swim in the salty ocean or in a fresh-water lake? 

I am originally from Bethesda, Maryland, and although it has the salty Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean nearby, I would much rather be swimming in Lake Michigan. For the months of June, July, and August, I live in the small town of Onekama, Michigan, which is located about an hour south of Traverse City, Michigan. This town holds a special place in my heart as it is the same town my dad grew up going to every summer. It is truly a hidden gem of the United States as it is nestled right on the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan with its crystal clear water that does not sting your eyes when you open them underwater and does not make you gag if you accidentally get a gulp of it when wave jumping.  

Would you rather play sports or watch sports? 

Well, that depends. I would much rather play golf than watch it, but with my wobbly ankles and questionable skating ability, I would much rather watch ice hockey than play. Golf is a special activity I share with my grandfather who started coaching me at a very young age. While his aspirations for me exceeded my talent, I can give him a run for his money in a driving competition. Growing up right outside of Washington, D.C., our professional basketball, football, and baseball teams vary in talent from season to season, but our ice hockey team seldom falls short of producing an exciting season. One of my favorite activities to do in D.C. is taking the Metro downtown to watch a Washington Capitals ice hockey game with friends or family. There is something about the loud intimate arena environment and the fast pace of hockey that, for me, never gets old. 

Would you rather eat at a gourmet restaurant or cook a gourmet meal? 

100% cook! I love experimenting in the kitchen whether it be through trying new cuisines or whipping up a recipe of my own. I really got serious about cooking in high school where my sweet tooth, inherited from my grandmother Gigi, led me to baking. Nothing brings me as much joy as baking birthday cakes and French patisserie from scratch, often tapping into my own creative spirit. If you ask any of my friends or family, they will surely tell you that one of my dreams is to open my own sweets food truck. Both the idea of hitting the road and sharing joy through sweet desserts and the idea of being a small business owner fascinate me. Whether it be birthdays, holidays, or any other celebration, I love spending time on Pinterest and in the kitchen whipping up a new dessert to share with family and friends. 

Would you rather be behind a microscope or in front of a podium? 

Definitely in front of a podium. Science is not really my thing. I would love to be behind a podium perhaps sharing a presentation or teaching a lesson to a classroom full of elementary students. At Furman University, my experience behind the podium in a public speaking course helped me decide on a dual Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies and Educational Studies. Even though my journey to deciding a major was long, I am beyond excited for all the possibilities that await me in the classroom and in the workforce with this dual degree. With these two majors, my ever-changing career aspirations all seem possible. Given the day and my mood, I dream of being a wedding or event planner, an executive coach, an early education teacher, and as noted above, a small business owner. None of these seem too far out of reach. 

Would you rather have one best friend or many close friends? 

I am a more-the-merrier kind of person. Through my long struggle with anxiety, I experience a lot of shy and fraught-filled moments. Being surrounded by people who have different interests or interacting with people in new activities gives me energy, so I much prefer a bigger social circle. At Furman, I am involved in many organizations on campus including the Furman University Student Activities Board (FUSAB), Greek Life, Admissions Ambassadors, and Reformed University Fellowship. Not only have these organizations piqued my interest in different areas, they have also pushed me out of my comfort zone and led me to my best friends on campus. 

I see life as a big game. You roll the dice and take chances. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Just as in games, in life, you have to be in it to win it. Through the experiences and obstacles thrown my way thus far in life, I have found my identity, my values, and even my lifelong goals and aspirations. I definitely feel like a winner in the game of life. 

Reach out if you have any questions or want to get connected!

Email: & Instagram: @libbyymulligann