Admissions Blog Posts

Lake Walks for Life!

Last updated October 8, 2021

By Logan Coffee

Do you ever have those days where you need a quick moment to breathe, clear your head, or go on an adventure with friends? I know I do. When I have those rainy days or feel stuck with a clouded mind, there’s always one thing that makes me feel better: a lake walk. The “lake walk” is a not-so-well-kept secret on campus, and it’s one thing (among many) that makes Furman so unique. Not every campus has a lake, and I’m willing to bet even fewer campuses contain lakes as breathtaking as the one we have here! I might be a little biased, but if you’ve ever visited Furman, you know what I mean! A focal point on Furman lake is the beloved belltower, and there are many other features all around. A gazebo, a few bridges, numerous bench swings, and lots of beautiful trees are some of the main highlights! Of course, I can’t forget to mention the main point. There is a walking trail that goes all the way around the lake! From this, the famous Furman “Lake Walk” was born!

Rather than just telling you how amazing lake walks are, I decided I should show you! I know you’re probably so busy right now, so you might need a quick break. If this sounds like you, join me now for a virtual journey around Furman lake. My roommate Emme will be joining us today, and we’re so happy to have you! Sit back, take a deep breath, and let the lake walk do its thing! After grabbing our FU sweatshirts, rain boots, and keys, we’re on our way. We step over the bridge by the Asian Garden and head past the belltower. Our first stop, the Koi Pond at the Shi Center for  Sustainability, veers a little off the beaten path, but it’s so beautiful that we couldn’t resist! The flowers are so bright, and they smell wonderful. The Koi make slight fluttering noises as they swim in the pond, and we find ourselves watching them for many moments. A family walks through, and two little girls are so excited to see the fish! It brings us joy to watch the Koi and take in the peaceful sounds that the pond provides.

Bridge by the garden!

Emme & Flower!

The Koi!

The Koi pond!








Moving on, we walk to the turtle bridge (at least that’s what I call it)! This is probably my favorite spot around the lake because it is tranquil and, of course, surrounded by turtles! We sit on the bridge for a while and take in the silence; I love to come here when I need a place to think. Taking a deep breath and thinking for a bit, we then hop back on the path.

The Turtle Bridge!

Emme & I on the bridge

Emme on the bench swing! Go Dins!

Beautiful swing!








We jog for a moment to release some energy, and I can feel the cool wind brush against my cheeks. This brief jog tires us out more than we expected, so we take a quick break on a swinging bench. It’s dusk now, and the lights from around the lake are peeking through the trees. The belltower looks absolutely stunning from this side of the lake. We make an unspoken decision to sit and enjoy the view for a long while. The belltower chimes and we see this as our cue to walk along, so we do!

View of the Belltower!


It begins to rain, and we couldn’t care less. The droplets hit our cheeks and we smile. After getting a little chilly, we grab the umbrella and walk along. The DRIP DRIP DRIP sound of the raindrops hitting the umbrella is music to our ears, and I suddenly feel less worried about the homework I have to do, the mud on my boots, or the struggles of everyday life.

The gazebo offers us shelter, and we just sit and enjoy life for a minute. We brave the rain continue the walk. Many steps later, we have made it all the way around Furman lake. I can’t explain it, but I feel calmer, more aware, and more energized than I did before. That walk was much needed!

Furman’s famous “lake walk” is great if you want some fresh air, need to clear your mind, or just want to spend some quality time with your friends. It’s a 10/10 experience that everyone should get to enjoy, and it’s unique to Furman. I can always count on lake walks to light up my life, and I hope that this virtual walk brightened your day!

I can’t wait to go on a lake walk again soon! Soooo, who wants to join me?! 😀

— Logan Coffee