Admissions Blog Posts

I’m Your Girl

Last updated October 8, 2019

By Web Admin

Hey y’all ! I’m Rosemary Cruse. Before I dive into the true characteristics about myself, let’s get those basic questions we all remember having to answer over and over at fall orientation out of the way. I am a freshman from Lexington, Kentucky; planning to double major in Sociology and Communication studies with the end goal being to work in Fashion Media in New York City. I work as an Instagram influencer for a few of my hometown boutiques and some other larger scale brands. I co-own a pageant jewelry company, but I’ve also worked at a popsicle store and a gym. So my resume is pretty versatile to say the least. I have a younger sister, who doubles as my best friend. My favorite color is a tie between yellow and orange. And lastly, I pretty much ALWAYS have gum (hence the photo). 

Okay, now to the fun stuff… one of the first things people tend to notice about me is my nail polish. I am truly one of the most indecisive people on this planet, so I’ve sort of trademarked myself as always having two different nail polish colors. Like I mentioned before, my favorite colors are yellow and orange, now the reasoning behind this is actually somewhat unique. I am actually “Cool-Toned” colorblind, which leaves those two colors as one of the only two I can very distinctly see. I have a love for photography, art, videography, and fashion; but an even greater love for combining those things into one project. Whether it’s painting on clothing, modeling, or photographing the people around me. This leads me perfectly into another passion of mine… people. I just genuinely enjoy people. You look up “people person” in the dictionary and hey there I am. Having conversations with people and truly getting to know them is something so valuable, but so easily overlooked in today’s tech savvy world. I try to keep those face to face connections alive. To accomplish this, I go on the annual mission trips, say hi to the people I walk past, put my phone up at the dinner table and pretty much always leave my dorm door open. These are the qualities I’d hope to be the memorable ones, the overriding characteristics people think of when thinking of me. 

So if you need help with any sort of decision making or color deciphering, I might not be the one to come to. But if you need fashion advice, a photoshoot, any type of painting, a piece of gum or most importantly just a genuine conversation… I’m your girl!  

 I am so excited for the opportunity to have some of those conversations via this blog and the @fuadmission Instagram account! Can’t wait to share my freshman year with y’all!